Part 7

Flat Eric. LAS

This is Flat Eric LAS. The continued adventures of our much loved hero.

 Flat Eric. LAS

And the New year wish!


Anti-violence campaign 


Eric is now back in the grubby capital.

He returns to learn of the most recent attacks on ambulance crews in London. Viciously stabbed in north London, and machine guns in the south.

The season of good will has truly passed.

Eric cant help but cast his mind back to debates about crew safety Stab Vestover the years, and found the most grown up of protective vests at AMBEX  to be wearable and hopes that the service will make these available soon. But more importantly he wants the service to pick up the excellent momentum of the "NO EXCUSE" campaign until it is accepted doctrine in every home in the land that "you do not bash, abuse, stab or shoot at ambulance or any NHS staff "

Eric's first wish for the new year is that the publics perception is changed, and not just sit there in casualty as LAS staff jump over the desk to defend a nurse. Failure to act is a crime too.

His second is that we all stay safe in 2001 and that Peter Rabbit, Chief executors statement "and that includes imprisonment" hold water in the courts

uncon.jpg (23452 bytes)His third wish is that the AMPDS coding for his collapse - query cause on new years eve  is as high as his broken ankle which still hasn't got any better.

Happy new year to our injured, frightened and over-worked colleagues!




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Mail Me.  Flate Eric