Part 6


Take Me Home



The continued adventures of Flat Eric. LAS




Whilst in Scotland, Eric met the RAF

Still bitter at the absurd refusal of  the HEMS team to even answer his emails but fully recovered from his overdose he was in a position to see how the real pro aviators conducted themselves.

In the frozen wastes of Morayshire our skies and seas are kept safe by the heroes  of Kinloss, Lossiemouth and Kinell

RAFvdi.JPG (26010 bytes)Eric started his shift up there, where he was made thoroughly welcome, with a thorough VDI of a Sea KING  , a proper helicopter . This has done more mileage than the oldest of LAS wrecks, yet look how shiny it is!

Rumour has it that Search and rescue missions are as rare as Purley and Romford ambulance stations being out at the same time, but Eric was to dispel this myth very soon.

Eric planned the days sorties and got familiar with the R/t equipment, which not having been bought in a jumble sale, actually works.

RAFwinch.JPG (21433 bytes) Before long the RAF heroes were scrambled to rescue the crew of a kebab freighter adrift and alight some 120 miles away from the nearest cashpoint.  Here we see Eric about to be winched down from a sea king to place his order. The log does not record whether he wanted “suladchillysorcewiththat-mate?” 


rafpilotsea.JPG (30132 bytes)Dangling on a string above the sea soaking up all that static made Eric's fur stand on end so he just had to have a go at flying the aircraft.


Recalling his love of going large, Eric secured a search and RAFCroydon.jpg (32557 bytes)rescue flight with Crew 8, 201 Squadron in a Nimrod.  Coordinated the rescue of some fishermans fingers whilst the superbly named Flt Lt. Tim Croydon  steered this splendid aircraft into a blaze of media scorn (Click here for details) and  Jose Garcia, a fisherman from the Munchausenland Republic was whisked away to the finger rehabilitation unit.

Crew 7 also flew Eric but security restrictions prevent us from detailing which arctic circle brothel Santa needed to be located in.

RAFDoomed.jpg (31891 bytes)Despondency set in as the realisation that the London Ambulance do not have exclusive rights to the “Cream of the crap” and other heroes race to the digitally disadvantaged. This was too much for the crew as we see Eric, £400 million of aircraft and a suicidal crew switch to autopilot and dream of the families we will all miss this Christmas.

Nimrod.jpg (19909 bytes)ERIC LOVED THE RAF, and at a security debriefing, he turns his back on  Nimrod 45, but we cant show his face, or tell you any of these recent capers…........


 Continued on next page.   

Flat Eric returns to London



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Thanks to misterpasteeeeee and the RAF for story and pics.

Design and layout by Webmaster.

Mail Me.  Flate Eric