Part 5


Take Me Home I need a 99!



The continued adventures of Flat Eric. LAS


Scotland beckons

Rescued by Jerrymedic from Dorset, Eric survived, and whilst in ITU he dreamt of purity, clean air an mountains. Two weeks of detox followed and then up to Scotland.

Sas.jpg (183166 bytes)National Express was not an option as he was worried by the prospect of hearing too much "verve" on walkmans, and the train fiasco continues, so Scottish Ambulance Service came to his rescue .Apparently there are no pies left !

The Isle of Skye beckoned as Eric discovered his ancestral home at Loch Frot William rescue Squad.Flatt had promised him a wee dram of healing waters which after his journey was very welcome; Feeling nostalgic, he wanted to view Skye from afar, and Ben Nevis seemed as good a vantage point as any. His leg still hurts and Lochaber Mountain Rescue  in Fort William gave him a lift. There is a fine kebab/chip shop just 50 yards from the police station.

RAF. Green thing.Whilst on the mountains he met the RAF  whose motto "per ardua ad astra" reminded him of his days on the rapid response unit. And they have helicopters! Ah to be airborne!

Eric could almost feel the thin air high up in the mountains, and as king of all he surveyed he knew secretly he would feel the wind beneath his yellow wings very soon.


 Take me there,

Lochside. Click here to view full size or click on speaker below to grab the mood !

Kingoftheglenn. Here for full size. Below on speaker to hear voice

 click on speakers then the picture above


Continued on next page

Eric takes to the skies



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Thanks to misterpasteeeeee you mad fool, for story and pics.

Design and layout by Webmaster.

Mail Me.  Flate Eric