Take Me Home It's too SAD



The continued adventures of Flat Eric. LAS

 Part 4

Caught on computer cam

Could this be the end of Flat Eric LAS


Flat Eric ? Overdose


  In a scene that all crews can relate to Eric's tea had gone cold, and he wondered why he got out of bed at all. The morning rain clouded up his window, and he could see very little. Life seemed increasingly pointless. Rubbish call after rubbish call, and financial pressures that made him cringe.

  Eric had always wanted to fly with HEMS.(LAS. Helicopter emergency medical service) He had worshiped the aircraft and its crews. In fact they were like a freaking idol to him. He even had HEMS tattooed across his chest. Sometimes he would recanulate himself to see how much it would bleed. It was like an adrenaline rush to him Eric wrote, called and visited HEMS. He left them his mobile number, email and pager number but they wouldn’t call. He stood for 3 hours in the blistering cold. But the Cann Man just said " No." if only he had a heart. Eric cracked. He put his paramedic bag in the boot of his car and drove it off a bridge

 Like in so many cases service wide, Eric found that inertia was stifling professional growth, and this dissatisfaction ultimately hindered clinical governance and excellence: Just like the hoards of QATs who would love to do their bag, but now have a line, and some security.

 Eric grappled with the pointlessness of his career, and after an alcoholic binge, retired to his bedsit, and launched the overdose. See picture above.


OH yea there's more





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