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Working on solossolo.jpg (54391 bytes)

.solopbk.jpg (20844 bytes)

  On transfer to Hosp. "Looking for CCU.Addenbk.jpg (59571 bytes)

Back on relief." rare moment allowed to drive"fericamb.jpg (60746 bytes)

 Just a pose "on me bike"fericpose.jpg (66560 bytes)



Take Me Home now ! Are you MAD.





This is the Flat Eric Story.

Part I


Eric came to Croydon in response to controversy over the new team leaders LAS. We thought that a puppet who could not speak, but was universally loved was the ideal candidate.


He was Kidnapped in December (click here for more detailed info), and the search went as far as Greece, Belgium and the French Pyrenees.


Freed months later. Traumatised. Rehabilitated at Sophie's exotic retreat, London SE13, and now very much perked up, thank you!.


Returned to full duties, but now familiar with high speed lifestyle, opted for M245 rapid response trial. Got a taste for the bikes, both Honda and cannondale. (See left)


Went to Ambex as a special ambassador for LAS special projects division. Dunk in toiletMet prime ministers son socially. Found collapse ? unconscious and intoxicated, but breathing, in local toilets.

Now disgraced Eric is to return to normal A&E duties after his recuperation.



October 2000 the latest  on flat Eric LAS


Flat Eric continues to stay at the heart of operational activities. Central Ambulance control stood his vehicle down so that he could attend the Peter Rabbit Roadshow having seen details at .

He was impressed by the chief executive with his frank and optimistic approach. Eric remained scared by the overtly hostile body language of some managers present who sat, arms crossed, swinging about in their swivel chairs or staring into space. Could there be trouble ahead?
The removal of IAP as a weapon and its replacement with something less "miners strike Vs Thatcher" has been suggested via the official suggestions e-mail,

Worried none the less, Eric slipped over the county border to Kent see photo, where he learns that a KENT PTS AP can earn more , Mon-Sat Kent Ambulance Servicethan a London QAP on the worst of relief rotas.

Here he met the fabulous Annie D'estaing, who can afford to work for PTS Kent, and commute back to her home town Lille, Via Eurostar from Ashford at the Weekend!

Being a soft touch for Les Femmes rushed over to France where he quickly got embroiled in the French fuel dispute. A low resolution French Police security camera captured Eric leading the ambulance blockade of Paris.

This was so successful that within a week, British protesters copied Eric, and days later, Britain was on its knees, gasping for petrol as seen at

In police custodyEric was arrested in Paris at the request of British Security services and extradited back to Gatwick where he is seen being sped away, cuffed in the back of a Metropolitan Police car .

GATPOL, the Branch of Sussex Police, who police the airportmi6.jpg (34441 bytes) were not amused to find another force on their ground , and meanwhile, it is rumoured that supporters of Eric launched a rocket attack on MI6's "secret" headquarters at Vauxhall in retaliation. (photo).

sussex.jpg (39432 bytes)Two minutes into the journey. Eric succumbed to a " pseudo-fit," induced perhaps by too much camembert. Surrey Ambulance Service recently closed Horley Ambulance station, nearest to the airport, so a vehicle was dispatched from Sussex at Horsham,
who recognizing our hero, demanded that the cuffs come off.

eric esh.jpg (34865 bytes)Eric "sat on the left" for the five mile journey to East Surrey Hospital, where he soon discharged himself, and stole an L reg heap, (see photo) parked outside. Speeding off, we believe towards the M25 and more adventures




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Thanks Misterpasteeee