London Ambulance

Training Bulletin No.6


TRACTION SPLINTS clarification On Use

Yet another implausible incident has occurred in another part of the NHS.

Seventies pop icon Leo Sayer was mistakenly applied to a fractured femur  instead of a  Leg Sager traction splint at an RTA involving a taxi cab in Ladbroke Grove.

Whilst Leo’s hair does resemble the Velcro fastening on the foot stirrup and he did sing of a band “that nobody knows or understands, is there anybody out there wanna lend a hand…” crews are reminded that Arista Records inc. have NOT approved him for use as an immobilisation device.

Information on Brighton’s famous art school performer can be found at 

Staff wishing to immobilise shaft of femur fractures should re-familiarise themselves with existing equipment protocols. These are available from station officers, the training support network and not HMV, Our Price or Tower Records.

Limpetmine Arachnaphobia Service,
 NHS Truss,
Despair House,
Nightshift Street,
Wunweekend-upon-the –Next

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