London Ambulance

Training Bulletin. No4



Reversal of Hypoglycaemia

Yet another isolated incident has occurred in another part of the NHS. The purpose of this bulletin is to bring it to the attention of staff.

An insulin dependent diabetic patient whilst hypoglycaemic received an intravenous injection of Super-Glue instead of Glucago-SUPA, a product undergoing clinical trials in Canada.

This resulted in the death of the patient and the cannula became occluded. It bonds skin in seconds, you know. And bums to bog seats… Terrible.

Staff should be aware that while it is possible to draw up this highly effective adhesive in a vacuous environment it is imperative that staff check to ensure that this does not occur.

There is no clinical evidence available to suggest that either epoxy based or tri-ethylene glues have any role in the treatment of hypoglycaemia.

Staff are reminded that the preferred route for the administration of Glucagon or Glucagen is Intramuscular and that Bostik Super Glue is available from Woolworths and good hardware shops everywhere.


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