London Ambulance

  Health and safety.

     Bulletin No.12





A recent European Court ruling strengthens the existing legislation within the UK framework of Health and Safety Law.

A judgement against the Belgian Police found that the football rioters they were trying to contain did in fact form a part of their workplace.

As such, the firing of tear gas and rubber bullets into a crowd, completely unprotected against such weapons was found to be negligent, as the Politie Belgique had not taken every reasonable measure to protect those in or around their workplace from  hazards, direct or consequential resulting from their employed activities.

The implications for London Ambulance Service are clear.

Nosey bystanders form an integral part of our working environment. If we have personal protective equipment for our crews as they  work in the public domain, then so should those immediately around us, as they are subject to the same risks, but will be further at risk due to less training. (In some cases)

The vehicle and equipment working parties are currently in Florida with the Uniform committee guests of  Fargo-Dennis World Monopoly Inc.  discussing further solutions but have suggested the issue of the Vest, High Visibility, Bystander, Nosey  pictured below. Station officers have been instructed to make these items available immediately