London Ambulance Service

NHS no one Trust. (Unofficial)



Bulletin No.10

15th September 2000



PANIC ! – That’s the message from the LAS.

We can’t eat petrol.


Despite some reports in the press and broadcast media, that the LAS continue to eat bus loads of kebabs is  thanks to the commitment of grill staff who report for duty, in some cases having had to resort to Public Transport and staff who have been busy in the background securing lard and other supplies. In the context of the wider food market our service is more greedy than most.


Doner stocks across London are still low even though the pitta breads are leaving the depots and deliveries are being made. It will be some time before we return to normality and as you can imagine the demands on these supplies are immense for both domestic use and for the emergency services.


This Service along with colleagues from the Emergency Services and Local Authorities are in discussions with both the chefs and the Government Department of Food safety about securing supplies for A&E staff. However these negotiations are complex and there is no quick fix solutions to be had


It is understood that in some cases staff may experience extreme hardship in having to make sandwiches for example. 

Up to date information on the kebab crisis can be found on the new web site or follow this link directly.



A misterpastee production