Poor old Johnny O'Keefe.
He's just not funny any more. We never see him and, frankly he is a cartoon.
Unlike Paramedic Bagg & QAT Marsk !

Bagg& Marsk Part 3



Z2 Station has been closed due to what LFB described as a serious emission of a noxious substance. The area is cordoned off and evacuated.

The LAS decontamination unit is unavailable to respond as the mop is

 missing, and one of the team plays football at the weekend.

baggbogg.jpg (21306 bytes)Bagg emerges after 3 hours and wonders 1) what DO they put in kebabs these days, 2) whether it was greedy to have the chilli sauce as well as garlic mayonnaise 3) why LFB are running around in chemical suits, getting friendly with their buddies and Fullers Earth.

Still it was a good read, and apparently Fidel Castro said in the Blanquita theatre, Havana, Cuba,  "our people are noble, hospitable, and most important, they hate no one. They love visitors, so much in fact our visitors feel completely at home . Please bring lots of hard currency."  Posh and Becks are considering buying the place and painting it up as a giant playroom for Brooklyn. Cuba has a Victoria de las tunes   and a Moron  in the map book. Bagg shared this titbit with Marsk who felt the need for some urgent union business.

marskbeach.jpg (23276 bytes)24 hours later, well it was going to be a run of nights, we find Marsk conducting some rigorous blanket research on the beach at Playa Cienfuegos  and his family came too! Funny that.

marskhelopad.jpg (44773 bytes)Time for a bit of inland hospitality, and here high above the mountains at San Antionio de laos banos  we see the secret mansion and helipad of the the big drugs  Jefe   Hernandez Orcon-Fernandez.

The U.S. drugs operation at Key West, Florida has noted a marked drop in flights from and over Cuban air space to dump drugs for the speedboats flooding the Bahamas>USA route.

Hernandez Orcon-Fernandez is trying to up this evil trade and was furious that his little magic kingdom had been discovered.

A "dissapearance squad" was mobilised, and we are sorry to report that the photographer, also on this all expenses-paid jolly disappeared.

roadside.jpg (59961 bytes)He was found, well, most of him, wrapped in an LAS jacket and dumped by the roadside amongst some bits of an old "york 4" trolly.  The Policia Locale also recovered a tattered plaque that once said "Ambulance Staff are not permitted to accept gratuities" but was re engraved to say "From London with Love"  

Marsk wondered what Cuba did with all those ambulances and LAS map books we sent them, and didn't all Cubans smoke big cigars and drive mercedes?

Back in the UK, Bagg was looking forward to telling the barmaid in the "Fiddler o'times" how he drove a Mercedes too.  Where are our new vehicles?

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Bagg and Marsk spend the odd five minutes here and there on station. If you
want to contact them for anything other than an urgent transfer, drop them a
line to  bagg_marsk@hotmail.com


Misterpasteee has been here