Poor old Johnny O'Keefe.
He's just not funny any more. We never see him and, frankly he is a cartoon.
Unlike Paramedic Bagg & QAT Marsk !

Bagg& Marsk Part 1


Patrolling the thin green line between the kebab shops and coronary care units of our grubby capital ,Bagg & Marsk tell it how it is.
In their world, epaulettes are for girls and ambulances should only be used for patients when not required for shopping, delivering carpets or loafing.

Bagg and Marsk have their thumbs on the pulse of London Ambulance and they know how to survive, even if the patient doesn't

bmvdi2.jpg (26106 bytes)The shift starts "early" at 07:08:00 Hrs with Bagg and Marsk conducting their usual thorough VDI (vehicle daily inspection) Bagg has two sugars.


spvehic2.jpg (7241 bytes) The phone rings at  07:14:04 Hrs for a category A call in Copenhagen. Apparently Z201, early shift (our heroes )are the nearest crew. The night crew are still not back yet so Bagg walks across the yard to take his pick of the available spare ambulances. Oh dear. what fleet crisis? Unfortunately the night crew return with Bagg & Mask still on station, which rather spoils plans for some extravagant "red inkery." Our heroes race off to someone described as "conscious, but not alert and a known cardiac patient"

 Bagg & Mask find Timmy Pride, an offensive regular who nobody wants to know and whose only cardiac history is that your heart sinks when he is too drunk to be arrested. Still, no blades today.

bmntrollies2.jpg (17558 bytes) Time at hospital for a good few cups of tea, and a thorough quality read before booking a big delay due to "waiting for trollies, and assisting staff in resusc. "

 18:45:42 Hrs and Bagg suggests that Marsk "greens up". Marsk is not amused: "we'll only get another job!" So, problem solved , Z201 returns to Z2 station. 19:00:00Hrs Marsk calls up "x-ray on the hour & started to return."

bmxray2.jpg (13717 bytes)19:00:02 Hrs the garage door is shut.

19:47:00 Hrs Bagg and Marsk sign off, in red ink. What a hard day they had........

The persons  and events described therein are purely fictional. These stunts should not be tried at work. Especially by an 80%  er
More soon.....

Go to Part 2

Go to part 3

Bagg and Marsk spend the odd five minutes here and there on station. If you
want to contact them for anything other than an urgent transfer, drop them a
line to  bagg_marsk@hotmail.com


Misterpasteee has been here