hours into their shift, which started at 0900 Bagg and Marsk are not
impressed to be interupted during a game of "Moanopoly"
(see link) Surely it cant be their turn to go out?
Apparently it is. Bagg wonders why they ever let women join
the job, especially tall slim ones.
the call is only chest pain. No mention of leg injuries, so the
punter will walk out. Plenty of time for Marsk to finish his ciggie,
and have a quick top up. Its
only wine today as Bagg is driving.
to LAS may not know that there are some fantastic printers on
station, and details of the call emerge to be dealt with by the
eager crews.
The AS1 even gives an approximation of the location in the
big grid.
patient is in fact suspended, something not unknown in our heroes
careers. Better get on with it. Bagg goes back to the vehicle to
retrieve the Pulse De-nebuliser or something. He had seen someone
use it once on a Post Proficiency course.
in resus,
bagg would have to explain the long delay awaiting a trolly
at St. Pernicias hospital. As you can see, it was
In fact, Marsk was at his girlfriends flat nearby. Unlike
emergency calls it is rumoured that he doesnt need an hour. every
transfer call awaits our lads. It is just not fair. and they point
out that there is a nearer and cleaner vehicle. In bay 1 outside
resus. Look.!
duty manager is having none of it and the boys are given details of
the transfer to UCH. Disgusted, and on principle they drive straight
to the middle of the Ashdown Forest. Fond memories of the driving
course.( Marsk had three attempts at it.)

readers may notice something strange about the new NHS logo that is
appearing everywhere.
trouble with these new ambulances is you cant fix them like you used
to, and Marsk discovers that it will take a bit more than the usual
"hammer and Jif" technique.
The cyclist will take a bit of fixing too.
of time on station then, with a LA52, LA 65, and RTA forms to fill
out. This will take hours. Three in fact, and during this time,
eleven cups of tea have been drunk. Neither Bagg nor Marsk have made
a "CUPPA" for anyone else since we had the sadly missed
boiler suits. Not so popular with the women in the service. "my
point exactly " mutters Bagg.
to mounting pressure to either do a call, or at least make the tea,
Zulu 201 decide that the best option involved the kitchen. It may be
a while before they are asked to make the tea again. Funny that
is half term in the capital, and the sun is shining, so Z201 ask for
a service run to LLun Polly. Granted, "one on RT at all
times..." Bagg and Marsk need a break: They work SO hard.
Hrs. A quick stop at the news agent, for 40 Silk cut, Loaded, and
some sweets for the park. Well it is half term!
is in direct breach of Bagg's bail conditions. Evidently there had
been a misunderstanding about some photo booth shinanigins.. and
even Marsk never saw the photos...
avoid any interruptions the radio goes off, and will remain off
until 1900hrs.
booked, "must arrange some sickness for July" thinks Bagg.
All that tea is working its way through. His crewmate is
losing a fiver from the tea fund on a horse which is older than Zulu
233. Unable to wait, bagg shows his appreciation and respect for the
PTS contract grabbing private sector
hrs, radio back on, "X-ray after
our service run, and started to return. Good night".
Radio back off.
Red pen out. Sorted.
back to Part 1
to part 3
and Marsk spend the odd five minutes here and there on station. If
want to contact them for anything other than an urgent transfer,
drop them a
line to