Part. I've lost track Now!

  Flat Eric. LAS 


This is Flat Eric LAS. The continued adventures of our much loved hero.

Graduation Jolly & Update

A world picture exclusive for you dear readers. Eric had crashed the Unimedic Graduation jolly as previously mentioned. Here we have photographic proof thanks to a very brave spy . Lots of shapely bums and a bit of magic sockwork in the boob department for some of the babes.



Despite rigorous security, the event was crashed by some Beds & Herts spies, a good looking fellow who did a mean "boa constrictor "show and pop nymph-fatale Sophie Eliis Bextor who described it as "murder on the dance floor"
Still Eric had a wonderful time and as the party moved on to the West End we have been advised to draw a veil over proceedings.



We don't wish to alarm anyone, but events since have been a bit cloudy: Eric was confirmed as having safely safely arrived in a hot sandy place that legal reasons make it difficult to say, but Operation Desert Spoon welcomed our yellow furry hero .

decpump.jpg (20154 bytes)The plan was to pump 86,000,000,000,000,000, litre of water into the desert and create a lush playground for the rich and famous. The borrowed appliance from Surrey Fire Brigade just wasn't up to the task .


Fearful of failure, and legal action, Eric went into hiding and may or may not have been in a certain sandy hot place which has camels. We may bring you some other pictures shortly, but bear with us....


Latest reports are that Eric left "that place" and was last seen in Abu Dhabi, (united Arab Emirates) with a half of the world's baddies on his yellow heels. Furry Towers expects to hear news from the Emirates very soon, but staff here are incresingly worried for his safety.
Will he ever get to Australia for Christmas?
We hope so.
Any confirmed sightings of the Genuine LAS flat eric, please email us directly


Next Page. The Abu Dhabi Story


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If you want to talk. Mail me below.

Flat Eric