Part 11

Flat Eric. LAS

This is Flat Eric LAS. The continued adventures of our much loved hero.

Back in the good old US of Cat "A" Part 2.



Out of tragedy sometimes comes growth. Like LFB and HEMS's refusal to answer Erics emails led him on a world tour and has met some cracking firefighters.

The tragic deaths of Bruce Nelson and Tom D'ancona on Christmas eve 1991 in
a Long Island Sound boating incident led to the birth of EAGLE 1,
Conneticuts first police rescue helicopter service..

Slide6n.jpg (34858 bytes)  Eagle 1 is a Bell 205 crewed by volunteers drawn from Americas finest. Totally equipped with the latest technology including " FOGGsight". This unique innovation enables the aircraft to operate 24 hours a day, like Allan's scanner !

Slide3n.jpg (35872 bytes)Used for rescue AND law enforcement, yet funded by private donation. Eric knew that he would have to fly like an eagle, and so he did.

Slide5n.jpg (35871 bytes)The unique interaction between rescue and police activities meant that Ericwas soon patrolling the mean streets of Conneticut in Police cruisers.



Slide4n.jpg (30049 bytes)Being a furry superstar, he was accorded the role of Crimebusting
Supervisor, and given his own car. One of his recommendations to LAS will be the installation of cages, and more firepower in the trunk! All london ambulances are to have the traffic safety message "WE SWERVE AND PROTECT" written on the side

Next page. Around in Artic Circles


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If you want to talk. Mail me below.

Flat Eric